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Website version: | Return Policy

You may return the new and unopened items, purchased from ProjectorUAE within 7 days of delivery. Please refer to Section 1.0 'Important' for further details regarding the terms and conditions regarding returned items. The item should be in original packaging, unopened and in new condition. If the return is due to our error, the shipping will also be refunded. .

1.0 - Important:

  • Any return that is not the result of our error will be subject to a return shipping fee which will be deducted from the refund.
  • Each returned item is subject to a 25% restocking fee that is not due to any error on our part including but not limited to:
    • defective part(s), item(s), accessories or supplementary item(s) claimed to be in the package,
    • missing item(s) or accessories claimed to be in the package,
    • erroneous item(s) shipped

Please note that we review each package individually and reserve the right to charge a higher restocking fee contingent upon the condition of the returned item(s).

  • Some items may have special return policies. Please call your sales team to get more information.
  • You may receive your refund sooner than the mentioned dates depending on the nature of the product.

2.0 - Non-Refundable Items

  • Items received after 7 days of delivery.
  • Damaged item or missing part which is not due to our error.
  • Items which are not in original condition or packaging.
  • Product with missing shippping label or tags.
  • Items purchased from other sellers than ProjectorUAE.

3.0 - Receiving a Refund

For the items directed to our warehouse, expect a refund with 2 weeks of return. If the item is returned to manufacturer directly, the refund will be issued within 1 week of receiving the refund from the manufacturer. 

5.0 - Large Items Shipped By Freight Carriers

We also accept return of large items which require special shipping type or return method. If you wish to return a product with special shipping, please fill the return request form and request the return.


  • Any return that is not the result of our error will be subject to a return shipping fee which will be deducted from the refund.
  • There will be no Returns or Refunds entertained after 7 Days of Delivery.
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